Thursday 10 December 2009

The O2 gig and the upcoming time warp...

Andy recently asked on Facebook....

"What about the rumour that When Popes Attack are playing the O2 with Them Crooked Vultures in support? Is that in our space/time dimension?"

You heard right Andy, but there is a technicality....

On Saturday we take the payment of one apple and a peanut from gig, head into town and trade in what's left of the apple and the peanut to the greengrocer and invest the proceeds into a hedge fund... when the hedge has grown enough we will take cuttings and sell them at the local garden centre...

After many years (433.7 to be precise) after all is forgotten about who's at the top of the charts these days we will instruct a solicitor via a small dusty email left in a dormant inbox to take the proceeds of the sale of the garden centre (which we will have eventually bought !) and pour them into hiring the O2 (which by this time due to stock fluctuations etc. will be actually be a small seafront cafe in Whitby) and then hire the latest 'Holoband Gig in a Box - your Friendly Noisy Night In!)' which will have the performances of 'Them Crooked Vultures' and 'When Popes Attack' downloaded through a wormhole (Vic's hair doesn't survive the download too well though.... I'll let you imagine...!!)

We then play the O2 with us in the headline slot..!!!    :o)

People can then marvel in wonder at the support band..!!

Would you like me to reserve you a seat by the fat fryer..?

P.S. This was all Scooby's idea... we think it's got merit....

P.P.S. For the other O2 gig you'll have to invent inter-dimensional transport, with nice comfy seats, it's about an hour and a half to the dimension with that gig that's happening now, and strangely, just under 433.7 years for the return journey so you can catch us twice...

Remember as well it's the 4th tomorrow, unless you think we're playing on the 11th... in which case...

Hope to see you there in this dimension!

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